Where To Find Me Online
With Twitter in danger of imploding any day, here's where I generally hang out and share stuff. My username is usually marceline or marcelinesmith - or you can Google me really easily.

This blog! - Usually once or twice a week with shop news, art & crafts, current favourites, books, travel etc. (My old blog is being weird but is still online).
Super Cute Kawaii - the SCK team blog every weekday about cute characters, artists, shops, crafts, reviews, Japan travel etc. Currently I am posting a lot because everyone else is having a tough time.
My mailing list - you get an email every couple of week or so with shop news, offers, previews, free downloads and a roundup of blog posts.
Instagram - I kind of hate it there but I post sometimes, especially in Stories when I'm working on a project or away on holiday.
Tumblr - It's cool again but actually it was always good and I was always there. My main blog is for sharing awesome stuff by other people, plus I have a sideblog for Asking For Trouble + more for Breath of the Wild, Animal Crossing etc.
Flickr? - yes, I am still posting all my photos on Flickr.
Hive - this seems like it might be good? But also maybe not. But I'm there as @marcelinesmith
My PO Box - I don't actually hang out there but you can send me things in the mail and I will reply, eventually.
If you want to buy my stuff, I have a Linkpop page with my shops, print-on-demand partners, digital downloads etc.
Thanks for your support!
(illustration of me by Little Miss Paintbrush)